Adopt a Koala*

Adoptions are LIVE!

0.01 ETH per Koala
33 Koalas per Transaction
33 Koalas per Wallet



Koalas Will Have Their Day

Our goal is to become a worldwide family brand, and we started distributing Online in February of 2023.

Want to get in on the action? Mint a Koala for only 0.025 ETH + GAS!

With our commitment to donating 3% of revenue to a Koala Foundation, you can purchase our products while making a positive impact.

Koalas Need Us Now More Than Ever

We strive to provide real support to the ecosystem with 3% of any sales going toward our Koala Day Fund.

What is Koala Day?

Koala Day is a holiday that celebrates and raises awareness about the conservation and protection of the Koala species.

The holiday aims to educate the public about the importance of preserving the natural habitat of Koalas and the threats they face, such as habitat loss, disease, and bushfires.

Original Roots

Koala Day started as a business focused on creating and distributing 3333 unique NFTs, featuring a healthy mix of male and female koalas, along with 33 1/1s from Community Artists.

*We do not facilitate Koala Adoptions. You are not adopting a Koala when you purchase a Koala from us. This is a marketing term.
All information and commentary provided are for illustration purposes only and are not investment advice or recommendations.